Health Care Directive
The Honoring Your Wishes Health Care Directive is a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care form that complies with Iowa statutory laws. This person-centered form allows people to select a health care agent and an alternate health care agent and provides instructions regarding future health care choices. You may print and complete this Health Care Directive.
If you prefer to complete the Honoring Your Wishes Health Care Directive on a computer, you have two options:
- If you have access to Adobe Reader, you may complete the highlighted sections by typing in the blanks and then printing the form.
- If you have access to Adobe Acrobat, you may save the form onto your computer.
The form must be notarized or signed by two witnesses to be legally valid.
The Honoring Your Wishes Health Care Directive is available in large print for people with low vision.
The Honoring Your Wishes Health Care Directive has been translated into Spanish to provide access to persons who prefer to speak, read and write in Spanish. Please consider it a tool to assist this population with advance care planning.
Some health care institutions will only accept health care directives in English. To address this, Honoring Your Wishes™ recommends the following:
- Provide English copies to health care institutions
- Provide Spanish copies to families and friends