February is American Heart Month!
February 23, 2017
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States? This is also true for the state of Iowa. More than 600,000 Americans die of heart disease each year.
Although heart disease is the leading cause of death, it is NOT the primary diagnosis for the majority of hospice patients. This could mean that not all persons who die from heart disease are receiving hospice services, even though they may be eligible.
Iowa City Hospice can help.
Do you have questions about hospice eligibility? Are you thinking about how you or a loved one could benefit from hospice services? Our highly trained professionals can guide, support, and educate patients to help manage their heart disease and add quality to days.
Call Iowa City Hospice at 319-351-5665 or visit www.iowacityhospice.org.