Documentary Film Screening of “Being Mortal”

January 17, 2017

Honoring Your Wishes, a program of Iowa City Hospice, invites the public to the screenings of the PBS documentary film Being Mortal. It will be shown on the following occasions:

  • Sunday, January 29, 2017 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Sanctuary Community Church, 2205 East Grantview Drive, Coralville, IA. Sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Society of Iowa City
  • Wednesday, March 1, 2017 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. at The Senior Center, 28 South Linn Street, Iowa City, IA. Sponsored by the Senior Center

In conjunction with Dr. Atul Gawande’s widely acclaimed book, Being Mortal, the film follows renowned New York writer and Boston surgeon Dr. Gawande as he explore the relationships doctors have with patients who are nearing the end of life. When Dr. Gawande’s own father gets cancer, his search for answers about how to best care for the dying becomes a personal quest. The film sheds light on how a medical system focused on a cure often leaves out the sensitive conversations that need to happen so a person’s true wishes can be known and honored.

Following the screening, audience members will be invited to participate in a discussion about the film. Tips on how to have conversations with family, friends, and health care professionals will be presented and community resources will be identified.

Thank you to the John and Wauna Harman Foundation in partnership with the Hospice Foundation of America for its support.

Questions? Contact Jane Dohrmann, Director of Honoring Your Wishes at 319-688-4214 or