April Event Schedule
March 20, 2018
Get connected at one of Iowa City Hospice’s community events this month. Visit our Events Calendar for a full schedule of upcoming events.
Wednesday, April 4
– Lensing Funeral Home: Living Through Loss –
Living Through Loss is an educational program for bereaved individuals that provides a supportive environment to receive education, support, and resources to help with loss. Topics vary by month.
When: 5:15- 6:15 p.m.
Where: Kirkwood Room, 515 Kirkwood Ave., Iowa City
Contact: Lensing Funeral & Cremation Service, 319-338-9171
– Caregiver Support Group –
A group for caregivers that offers emotional and educational support in a nonjudgmental atmosphere.
When: 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Where: Johnson County Extension, 3109 Old Highway 218 South, Iowa City
Details: Free respite care from Pathways Adult Health Center, 817 Pepperwood Lane, Iowa City. Reservations required, call 319-339-6162.
Contact: Polly Porter, Iowa City Hospice Social Worker, 319-351-5665, polly.porter@iowacityhospice.org
Saturday, April 7
– Kamp Kaleidoscope –
A professionally led one-day camp for children and teens between the ages of 5-17 who have lost a loved one. Lunch, beverages, and snacks provided. No cost to attend.
When: 8:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Where: River Community Church, 3001 Muscatine Ave, Iowa City
Details: Pre-registration required by March 29, 2018
Contact: To register or for more information, contact Julie Bockenstedt or Kimberly Peterson at (319) 351-5665.
Wednesday, April 11
– Grieving Your Spouse –
A professionally led, ongoing support group for individuals who have lost a spouse or partner within the past two years. Pre-registration required.
When: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Where: Iowa City Hospice, 1025 Wade Street, Iowa City
RSVP: Julie Bockenstedt, 319-351-5665, julie.bockenstedt@iowacityhospice.org
Friday & Saturday, April 13 & 14
– Volunteer Training –
Patient and Family Volunteers provide companionship and support to terminally ill patients and their loved ones. To provide this service, volunteers must go through a 14-hour training program approved by Medicare and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
Where: Iowa City Hospice, 1025 Wade Street, Iowa City
Contact: Emily Moon or Ann Coe, Volunteer Coordinators at 319-351-5665
Wednesday, April 18
– Caregiver Support Group –
A group for caregivers that offers emotional and educational support in a nonjudgmental atmosphere.
When: 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Where: Johnson County Extension, 3109 Old Highway 218 South, Iowa City
Details: Free respite care from Pathways Adult Health Center, 817 Pepperwood Lane, Iowa City. Reservations required, call 319-339-6162.
Contact: Polly Porter, Iowa City Hospice Social Worker, 319-351-5665, polly.porter@iowacityhospice.org
– Lensing Funeral Home Group: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow –
Please join Lensing Funeral & Cremation Service for a self-help support group for any adult who has experienced a death.
When: 5:15 – 6:30 p.m.
Where: Kirkwood Room, 515 Kirkwood Avenue, Iowa City
Contact: Lensing Funeral & Cremation Service, 319-338-9171
Sunday, April 22
– Walk for Dignity –
An annual community event that fives families and friends an opportunity to remember and honor the memories of their loved ones, celebrate life and show support for Iowa City Hospice.
When: 1:00 p.m.
Where: Willow Creek Park, 1117 Teg Dr., Iowa City
Details: Donation drop-off starts at 11:00 a.m.
Contact: Judy Frits, 319-688-4213 or judy.frits@iowacityhospice.org
– Spring Memorial Service –
Please join us as we honor patients cared for by Iowa City Hospice who have died during the past fall and winter. We encourage you to bring a picture, story or memento of your loved one to share during the service.
When: 12:00 p.m.
Where: Willow Creek Park, 1117 Teg Dr., Iowa City
Contact: Julie Bockenstedt, 319-351-5665, julie.bockenstedt@iowacityhospice.org
Wednesday, April 25
– Grieving Your Spouse –
A professionally led, ongoing support group for individuals who have lost a spouse or partner within the past two years. Pre-registration required.
When: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Where: Iowa City Hospice, 1025 Wade Street, Iowa City
RSVP: Julie Bockenstedt, 319-351-5665, julie.bockenstedt@iowacityhospice.org
Thursday, April 26
– Bereavement Luncheon –
A social luncheon, open to all bereaved, provides an opportunity to connect and share common experiences with others.
When: 11:30 a.m.
Where: JW Foods, 122 E Ave, Kalona
RSVP: Julie Bockenstedt, 319-351-5665, julie.bockenstedt@iowacityhospice.org